Tuesday, June 24, 2008
How to say hi to someone in China.
Usually they just look at you like you're an ailien (especially if you're speaking their language)
However, when I was skating through town on my giant-wheeled Rollerblades and waving at the gawkers they'd say, "hey! helloello!"
I've always liked skating at night, but
I really like skating in China in the evening to see the neon lights, the interesting architecture and the strange looks i get.
BUT, the reason I like it most is that there are lots of fellow Rollerbladers- LOTS of them! they were the friendliest curious people out tonight.
Time to call my wifey :)
oh! i edited a bunch of photos and maybe i can post them soon.
Monday, June 23, 2008
"you are what you eat"
It;s funny that you wrote your blog about the "You are what you eat" show because (even though I have not seen it) I was telling the guys at work about it durring dinner. They found it amusing as I described it and the way it runs. I told them about the episode that you told me about where the man only ate meat and bread for a week and the host said, that he must be a stinky sick mess that likes to fart. well, i didn't go that far.
I tried to post this on your blog comment, but I think Myspace is one of the websites that China says we're not allowed to view. i'll post it later, or you can do it for me.
blog: http://allenwilsondesign.blogspot.com/2008_06_01_archive.html
I love you so much! and miss you too. Allen
H. Allen Wilson IV
Industrial Designer & unicyclist
WAGIC Design
notes for stories to catch up on...
When I land in SF, i'll be able to say...
"Hey, wow! I was just in China 20 minutes from now."
Sunday, June 22, 2008
coming soon
Jane (our tour guide): "You don't look like your passport photo. We thought you looked like Nicolas Cage."
Me: … that's nice to hear, since, in America, Nicolase Cage is a very ugly man.
While sitting at lunch- served whole fish and shrimp waving my hand across my face "In America, we don't eat anything with a face."
It was fun explaining fortune cookies to Chinese natives.
Monsoon makes tourism more fun.
Jumping off rocks -Slipping falling on my but in a puddle.
Lilly pads tipping and pouring off the rain.
Fighting women restaurant owners.
Being asked if "this" was what you usually order in america… (because they tried to order dishes that you would like).
Saturday, June 21, 2008
sick to my soul
Appropriate titles: written the night of an experience that will never happen again.
1. "Be in the world but not of the world"
2. "Job hazard!? More like Relationship Hazzard"
3. "Like a mormon in a w**re house (pardon my mandarin)"
4. "It's as innocent or as corrupt as you want to make it."
5. "When cultures collide"
6. "A really bad day at the office"
I suddenly found myself with my supervisor (thank goodness he was there to dance around like an idiot to act like he was having fun) with our China business associates in a dark room with a karaoke screen and, when the door opened again, I soon relized that THIS karaoke is NOT that same in China as in the US. To make a long TORTUOUS and ear-peircing story short, I found myself hurriedly grabbing my digital camera- not to take pictures of course, mind you, but to rather show to the evening-gown-clad women, the pictures of my wife and explaining "This is my wife, Amy, so no 'funny business' (with my fingers making quote marks in the air)". They were nice, understanding even, complimentary of how beautiful my wife was and they got the message and were hopefully, for ONCE in their work-lives, treated respectfully by someone. Of course, they probably saw our defensive positions – hands clasped and elbows on knees with eyes straight ahead- and thought Joe and I were either prudes, or just plain gay (pardon). But that's fine with me.
Now I have mixed feelings- I hate the idea of what I saw [which was actually cleaner than a beer commercial, but still highly uncomfortable] - or rather the "strongly impled" potential that I saw. I don't know what goes on there and don't even want to think about it.
I often like to think of myself as adventurous and willing to try different culture's exotic foods and also as able to view other cultures while still keeping my distance and standards, but this is one sad thing that I just rather not know about or have every had to see or bear… on the other-hand I'm thankfully that Joe took me under his wing and assured me that, although we need to keep good relations with our vendors, that situation can be "as innocent or as corrupt as you make it [so we'll make it innocent]. Anyhow, I thankful that's over and now (after a few days together) that my China business associates understand my standards by (by observing and asking questions about my different behaviors) and we've become friendly and understanding of our differences, we can dismiss any more uncomfortable situations- THANKFULLY!
H. Allen Wilson IV
Industrial Designer & unicyclist
WAGIC Design
Friday, June 20, 2008
Japan Airport (JAL) lounge
the bathroom urinals are awesome. HUGE, in fact.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
fish eye fun
They're our artsy friends with the cool but somewhat dark taste in art (Haloween cartoon-like) and music (the rockabilly concert we went to had old rat-rods and such.)
Eric bought Jo Anne a fish-eye camera for Christmas-last.
click to see my ape-arms in the background
Monday, June 16, 2008
Perfectly clear

I wanted to see how this blog thing works. Perhaps keep a log of my up and coming trip to China for business.
Perhaps while I am there i can write a blog about our Hawaiian honeymoon vacation and Amy's birthday get-away to Seal Cove, Moss Beach.
Let's see what I can post on these things...
here are some Photos of our engagement announcement taken by Amy's sister Michelle
(MLP Photography)...

note: Blogger posts 3 sizes of pictures: sm, md, lg.
In order to get them to display in your blog PERFECTLY CLEAR you need to save them according to size.
Sm =102 pixels wide 72DPI
Md =163 pixels wide 72DPI
Lg =400 pixels wide 72DPI (maybe quadruple for the click-on larger image (?) )
ALSO, and this is very important: If you don't use PhotoShop's "Save For Web" feature it will save with a very pink cast (RGB vs sRGB).
Now that I've figured this out... Here you go.