Sunday, June 29, 2014

A variety-show with someone really famous

President Obama was dressed as an elf in green with pointy tan suede shoes. We were on a variety show with him and after his interview was over, I was in the midst of his dance crew's performance filming with my iphone. The performance consisted of swimming (more like gliding) through the water to a musical number  and synchronized-swimmin. The elaborate stage was a series of curved moats of different levels separated by old stone walls. 
While filming the President and his backup singers/swimmers, I would glide through the water in front of them capturing their smiling bobbing faces on film. Then I went to chase behind the President filming his splashing elf-shoes from behind. While quickly struggling to keep up with his gliding, singing elf-self, we leaped from moat to moat like dolphins and I just had to reach out and touch, just barely, his kicking toe as I was filming the extravagant performance. 

The story ended when I heard a little tinkle-bell in our bathroom and then saw her standing at my door. I gestured her in to our bed for a morning snuggle. 
(I guess designers dream in color- or I maybe I just assigned colors to things) 

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