Sunday, June 29, 2014

Professional Ultimate frisbee?

We  had no idea that there was a professional ultimate frisbee league and we thought it would be fun[ny] to go see a game against the San Jose spiders and SLC LIONS. It turns out that it was just plain fun and we sat with the Nolls who played when they were dating and Megan surprised John with tickets. We had a blast cheering the underdogs (slc)- we assume that the don't get to practice in the winter like Californians and probably don't practice on Sunday- probably have family responsibilities. They were good sports but I wanted to go help them out. It turns our that I have quite an arm and throw faster than a lot of them according to The radar gun and whomever came over to came to test their speed at the booth. Amy wants to coach me and is encouraging me to try it and have a side career. 
Go see a game! It's fun 

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