So Amy and I are teaching seminary now. It started yesterday.
Time: 6am - 6:50 ( e a r l y ! )
Subject: New Testament
We joke that it was an answer to our prayers because we wanted motivation to be better at studying together... well, we got our answer!
The first day was tough because we were up all night worried about the next morning and that 1st impression stuff.
The lesson was supposed to be a grab-your-attention-"zinger", but you know that's hard to do at 6am after 3 months of vacation. (even for the teacher.)
Never the less, I thought it went well-to-alright. Amy on the other hand started to freak out because of what the kids wrote about the experience in their journals. Some were very positive and some were pretty negative. She rightfully had issue with a few of the students being rude. There are plans to nip that in the bud. She ended up focusing on a few trouble-makers and got a little "discouraged".
So the next day another prayer was answered... it was the get-yo-know-you day and she got paired up with the girl that had given biggest attitude. The great thing is that they shared stories, got along great and laughed a lot. It turns out their a lot alike. And honestly, Amy is a very personable person. She can make anyone smile- that's what I love about her! well, that and a few other things too :)
Today we're not fall-asleep-at-work tired and actually enjoyed getting up early and spending the morning together. It's a nice change. It's different than when I would get ready and come give her a hug while she lay in bed still (which I'll miss a lot), but I think it's a change for the better... even though we have to be the cool young couple that has to go to bed early.
Time: 6am - 6:50 ( e a r l y ! )
Subject: New Testament
We joke that it was an answer to our prayers because we wanted motivation to be better at studying together... well, we got our answer!
The first day was tough because we were up all night worried about the next morning and that 1st impression stuff.
The lesson was supposed to be a grab-your-attention-"zinger", but you know that's hard to do at 6am after 3 months of vacation. (even for the teacher.)
Never the less, I thought it went well-to-alright. Amy on the other hand started to freak out because of what the kids wrote about the experience in their journals. Some were very positive and some were pretty negative. She rightfully had issue with a few of the students being rude. There are plans to nip that in the bud. She ended up focusing on a few trouble-makers and got a little "discouraged".
So the next day another prayer was answered... it was the get-yo-know-you day and she got paired up with the girl that had given biggest attitude. The great thing is that they shared stories, got along great and laughed a lot. It turns out their a lot alike. And honestly, Amy is a very personable person. She can make anyone smile- that's what I love about her! well, that and a few other things too :)
Today we're not fall-asleep-at-work tired and actually enjoyed getting up early and spending the morning together. It's a nice change. It's different than when I would get ready and come give her a hug while she lay in bed still (which I'll miss a lot), but I think it's a change for the better... even though we have to be the cool young couple that has to go to bed early.
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