(Amy got a moose hat from her sister who visited Canada and it's actually cute...)
Last week I asked Amy out on an old-time funny-adventure date. Steam-trains through the dark "moonlight" redwoods, BBQ and line dancing pretty much gets the idea across. Hey, it seemed like a fun[ny] thing to do. it was actually pretty fun and a beautiful setting with ponds and ducks and a covered bridge. When we arrived, we felt a little sheepish because all of the other dates were wearing formals and we had just changed OUT of our dress clothes and into jeans and sweat-shirt/flannel (to fit in with the hill-billys).
Luckily the dressy people were there for a wedding reception - what a relief. the BBQ steak was pretty rare and we got a kick out of watching a cute ancient couple square dance.
The steam train through the woods was the highlight. Amy sat by a little boy holding a pink flower whom immediately tried to kiss her (well, nearly immediately). The kid must have been 2 or 3 and that his favorite color was pink, so I don't blame her for thinking he was a she when Amy asked the father about his very friendly daughter. I couldn't tell until I heard him addressed as "Timothy".
Our train ride was fun and adventurous. We spent a good hour trying to get up a steep grade (8.5%!) (3% is usually unheard of). We played the Thomas the steam engine game by trying and failing 3 times because there was so many riders that the load was too heavy (6 open cars full) . Eventually they had to call a diesel engine to push us to the top where we were met by guitar-playing "cowboys" singing around a campfire. There was hot chocholate and apple pie and good times. The train Also had 3 switch-backs where you go forward up hill and stop, switch the track behind the train and then go BACKWARD up another hill. It was pretty fun.
Amy and I danced to some [awesome] country music and acted silly. We had a good time- I hope she liked it.

Last week I asked Amy out on an old-time funny-adventure date. Steam-trains through the dark "moonlight" redwoods, BBQ and line dancing pretty much gets the idea across. Hey, it seemed like a fun[ny] thing to do. it was actually pretty fun and a beautiful setting with ponds and ducks and a covered bridge. When we arrived, we felt a little sheepish because all of the other dates were wearing formals and we had just changed OUT of our dress clothes and into jeans and sweat-shirt/flannel (to fit in with the hill-billys).
Luckily the dressy people were there for a wedding reception - what a relief. the BBQ steak was pretty rare and we got a kick out of watching a cute ancient couple square dance.
The steam train through the woods was the highlight. Amy sat by a little boy holding a pink flower whom immediately tried to kiss her (well, nearly immediately). The kid must have been 2 or 3 and that his favorite color was pink, so I don't blame her for thinking he was a she when Amy asked the father about his very friendly daughter. I couldn't tell until I heard him addressed as "Timothy".
Our train ride was fun and adventurous. We spent a good hour trying to get up a steep grade (8.5%!) (3% is usually unheard of). We played the Thomas the steam engine game by trying and failing 3 times because there was so many riders that the load was too heavy (6 open cars full) . Eventually they had to call a diesel engine to push us to the top where we were met by guitar-playing "cowboys" singing around a campfire. There was hot chocholate and apple pie and good times. The train Also had 3 switch-backs where you go forward up hill and stop, switch the track behind the train and then go BACKWARD up another hill. It was pretty fun.
Amy and I danced to some [awesome] country music and acted silly. We had a good time- I hope she liked it.